Friday, 1 June 2012

Beauty tips and tricks: Cucumber cooling pads!

Hey everyone,
                     Right so I'm planing to do 2 of the 'Beauty tips and tricks' posts a week so that's it done for this week. So today I'm sharing the tip of cucumber pads. Michelle Phan did a great video on this if it sounds good watch it below..

I made these they're sooo nice and refreshing. Not to mention my puffy eyes were GONE! An easier way to get rid of puffy eyes is to just slice some cucumber and put it over the eyes. They reduce the swelling or black bags under the eyes. Cucumbers are the most wonderful and natural eye pads you can find for yourself. The puffiness and the tiredness in your eyes may just leave you, if you do this in a relaxed fashion. These natural eye pads do wonders after a long days work.

Lots of love,